Thursday, January 28, 2010

Thoughts on Teaching 2

Again reading Bobby Clinton's blog I ran across this on teaching.

Robertson McQuilkin. He was a fourth model who really impacted my teaching goals (from him I learned the importance of stressing experiential learning**).

Here is an example of an assignment that brought about experiential learning. In this spiritual gifts course I took from McQuilkin, the major project for the class was a paper, which had as its two major purposes,

            •  Identifying my spiritual gifts and
            •  Suggesting a plan for developing myself toward effectively using those spiritual gifts. 

Thoughts on Teaching the Bible

These are from Bobby Clintons blog.

            1. Study your Bible over your entire lifetime;
            2. Know your Bible well;
            3. Believe that the Bible can impact lives;
            4. Enjoy teaching the Bible;
            5. You don’t have to defend the Bible just teach it with power—it will defend itself.

Lessons from a couple of teachers he had:

            Values I learned from Frank Sells included:

     1. Use special techniques to motivate people;
     2. Always apply the word—ministry to the heart should flow out of input from the word.
             Values I learned from Buck Hatch:

  1. Always review so as to integrate the whole—everything should be placed in a broader perspective;
  2. Always learn something new yourself in the course you are teaching;
  3. Never just give truth to the student—make the student, himself or herself, discover the truth;
  4. Use materials that are designed to have the student learn for himself or herself.
  5. Use all of Gregory’s 7 Laws of Teaching.
Buck was the best at that of any teacher I have studied under.